Thursday 9 June 2016

Early Childhood Education Develops Creativity in Learners

Early childhood education plays an important role in supporting children’s ability in art, dramatic expression and creative responses to different problems. Creativity enhances a young child’s desire to learn and supports intellectual development. In order to enhance creativity of children, few things are needed to be kept in mind:-
-    One important way a child learns about his/her true self is through this direct interaction with you
-    Always maintain positivity while responding to a child’s work and ideas
-    Focus should be given on the uniqueness of each child and encourage to nurture her trust and creativity
-    Organize group meetings where children can freely express themselves in different areas

Now let us explore different ways of jump-starting children’s creativity in different curriculum areas:-
Use of art: Finger painting, drawing, and clay work- are few activities that promote creativity and are adopted in many early childhood classrooms. Adequate observation and monitoring of these activities will reveal creative discoveries. During this time, the preschool teacher will appreciate the child’s discovery like layering more and more colour changes the density of the colour. Your sensitivity towards the child’s discovery will increase his confidence and passionate commitment required for creativity.
Read More: Early Childhood Teachers Teach Young Learners the Basic Skills
Dance and Movements: Some kids need to be involved in active movement a lot of time. It will be wise for the teacher to encourage them in dance and movements as much as possible like dividing the students in two groups. One group will make music by singing and associated with clapping their hands, tapping their feet on the floor, playing rhythm instruments. The other group will dance to the music in their own innovative ways, free style.
Herein children learn to represent things by use of their bodies. They can use this movement to express their various emotions - joy, anger and surprise etc. They can act like butterfly, bunny or an elephant.
These ways of creative thinking helps them to grow in their overall personality. It’s growth of both body and mind.
Imagination Games:  Imagination games help them to fancy things, retrieve information from their memory, compare and contrast ideas, and make connection to every bit of information. Like asking a child to pretend to act like an animal of their choice - now teacher observes which animal they choose and how they act upon behaving like that animal throughout the day. In the due process they learn about themselves, their capabilities and preferences and reactions.
Read More: Design Games to Teach Grammar to Young Learners
Classroom get-togethers:  Create a form of summer picnic in the classroom. Start by spreading a large sheet on the floor; put some seashells across and small tubs full of sand or water. And engage each one in making sandwiches and various slices of fruit mix. All this unleashes their creativity in organising an event of fun and entertainment for a large group.
Read poetry: Reading poetry to them develops their language and their understanding of what coming next. This leads to brain development which is vital at this stage of growth.
Thus relationship between the preschool teachers and children, how classroom time and space are organised and available resource materials are important factors in the development of the creativity of the children. It is prime responsibility of the teacher to unearth resources to satisfy children’s creative thrust to know and develop in the due process. Classroom thus is the place where creativity is likely to blossom and grow. Early childhood care and education is the foundation phase for any kid’s development process. During this phase instead of pushing them across the edge with intensive studies, involving them in various creative activities are immensely useful.

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